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With the advent of rotary dumpers, the bathtub gondola allowed the railroads to haul more bulk cargo per carload than conventional open top hoppers. The absence of unloading gates and other appliances that affect internal capacity allowed for additional capacity per car. This improved transportation efficiency for these assigned service cars. The term “Bathtub” gondola is due to the internal shape of the car.
As these steel cars were replaced with lighter aluminum gondolas that could carry yet heavier loads, they entered their second life. While a great number continued to haul coal for other railroads that didn’t require the newest fleet of coal haulers, the low cost of the used freight cars made them an attractive for other uses. Some were retained for MOW fleets. Others found their way to trash and scrap service. Function over aesthetics rule this industry and these cars received extensions adding half again to the cars volume and reinforcements to hold the car together when haphazardly loaded to haul lighter, but bulkier loads.