Athearn Model Trains
Shop all Athearn model trains here including the model trains you love in N scale and HO scale by Athearn, Athearn Genesis, and Athearn Roundhouse. Use the filters on this page to find the scale model train or scale vehicle you’re looking for from our collection of model steam locomotives, model diesel locomotives, model passenger cars, and model freight cars. Shop Athearn model trains by era, scale, roadname or reporting mark, truck style, axels, and even wheel configuration. We break it down for you to help you quickly find the model trains and scale rolling stock that will best fit within the design of your model railroad. You can even refine your search by price or take a look at what’s already retired in your desired configuration if you want to look up product specs and information for parts and accessories, look at road numbers, or learn more about the prototype itself as you continue to design, refine, and upgrade your model train layout.